Thursday 22 March 2012

The Sailor Wren

I am doubly pleased today. Firstly, I have finally finished the Wren pattern I have been working on for such a long time. I may write a post about using wire to make legs soon, and I intend to make a sailor's hat for him, for he is a nautical Wren!

I say nautical, because I am donating £1 from the sale of each pattern to the charity that supports former Wrens i.e. members of the Women's Royal Naval Service. The WRNS was set up in the First World War, when many women began doing jobs that had formerly been the preserve of men. The Wrens reformed in the Second World War, and then kept going until the 1990s.

I'm also pleased because the weather is lovely, and someone is actually following my blog! It's nice to know I'm not talking to myself, so thank you, whoever you are!


  1. I know exactly how you feel! I have just started a similar blog recently and it often feels like I'm talking to myself. But it's nice to know that someone like me may happen upon my blog and see and admire my creations just as I have just found yours! I was looking at examples of ami snakes and came across yours. I love your designs, especially this wren. That shape is so difficult. I have often wanted to make one myself and have been a bit too lazy to figure out the shaping. This is the ONLY bird I've found with exactly the shape I would want. Anyway, keep up the beautiful work! I'll be admiring it from afar! If you were curious about me, my new ami blog is at

    1. Thank you for the lovely comments! Your blog puts me to shame, though - I am far too lazy and don't post often enough. You also have some brilliant designs, so I'm off to comment over there!
